My Bale/Prescott Genealogical Roots

Excert from the 1925 memoirs of my great-great grandfather, Brigadier-General, Frank Clarke Prescott, 1859-1934.  He began writing his memoirs in 1876 and has many volume.

Page 4: "To show what this __ see the influence of Mark Hollis
Prescott, Esquire and his wife, Mistress Precilla Bartlett Prescott.
Mark Hollis Prescott was a descendent of our Earl, Michael de la Pole, Earl of Suffolk. Precilla Bartlett descended from three Earls; de Quicny, Earl of Winchester; David Earl of Huntington; Waren, Earl of Surrey.

Their descendents accumulate these pedigrees. Further investigation would find many more as Precilla Bartlett's line goes back to Charlemagne."

Page 6: "Genealogy has a lesson. Long lives, short lives mean nothing. The activities count. We mourn an early death the leaves us lonely. The real grief should be for lives wasted. In writing the biography of our ancestors the interest is in what he accomplished. Dates of birth and death merely identify him.

Where an individual has served as soldier; lead in thought as a civel official, legislative, judicial or executive; lead in industry as merchant, manufacturer, farmer or lawyer, doctor or priest his record fixes attention.

So much for the ancestor. It is for the historian and for the reader to keep in sights the real usefulness of the lives they write or read of. The __ significance must not be lost in the glitter of __ or the dignities of rank.