Hurricane Wilma was quite an experience for all of South Florida.  It was Broward county's biggest storm to hit since the 1950's.  Wilma hit the West Coast first as a category 3 and moved across to the Northeast, keeping us in her path and surprising us all by her strength. 

The kid's playground blew into the pool screen enclosure.  It was lucky for our house that the screen enclosure stopped the fort from rolling into the house.  We did have one of the enclosure's beams go through the kitchen window.  We scrambled to block up the window before Wilma made a home inside our house.  We lost our banana tree, giant pine tree and most of our Mango tree.  

The power and phones were out 5 days.  We were fortunate enough to find a generator and small amounts of gas throughout the week.  Gasoline was available if you had the patience to stand in line for 3 to 5 hours to buy a max of $20 gas.  Finding food to eat was a challenge too....even the grocery store shelves were empty.   Next time we will be more prepared and have our windows protected, and a reserve tank of gas for the generator.

Below is a movie clip of the hurricane before it got really bad and some pictures of our home and neighborhood.

Hurricane Movie 8mb


Click to get


Description of Pictures/Movie above by row:

1st row: Movie clip of hurricane filmed from our patio, before the eye and the big wind gusts arrived.  Two pix of our neighbors trucks.

2nd row: Damage to our patio from the kid's playground equipment, bent screen enclosure and the broken window.  

3rd row: Our pine is half its original height, and the banana and mango trees in a heap.

4th row: Trees down along our canal.

Last row: Surviving on cold canned spaghetti-o's and cheese wiz on crackers by candle light.  Finally we have official food!  TGI Fridays opened 4 days after Wilma hit.  We didn't want to leave the restaurant to go home since we still didn't have food or electricity!